Saturday, April 24, 2010

UPHC Spanish Fork Show

McKall and JJP Rustler's Top Gun (better known as Goose).
Don't let Goose's droopy eyes fool you. He'd rather stick his hooves in the rafters at this arena than be a good boy and do his job. But he wouldn't be Goose if he didn't and we love him anyway.

Mariah (far left) and McKall (far right) lining up after they performed their Showmanship pattern. You guys looked amazing! I am so proud of both of you!

McKall and Goose in Western Pleasure.

McKall and Goose in Trail.
McKall's first gate. She did awesome!

McKall and Tess. What would a horse show be without a dog to share it with? Good job McKall! I'm so proud of you! Thanks for all the great memories!